Figures – a brief look at posing
This is a silly little blog about gender.
There’s not much to say about this except I went through a few months where I was noticing how much effort goes into expressing the gender of a character. Everything is so gender specific, all the way down to poses! I think I also noticed often the way people pose influences how we perceive their figure, like the broadness of someone’s shoulders or the width of hips. I wanted to play around with some stereotypical poses on different bodies and just see what happened. I may do this more in the future, but it was a fun little experiment.
I do want to make a quick observation about this one in particular. All the other poses were from living humans, and this was the only one I translated from another illustration. I think it’s really funny because exaggerated figures really go the extra mile with what features are meant to express femininity or masculinity.