Art Blog;

Kayloks Ransom

07 February, 2024

When I was a kid, I loved to make comics. I have lost track of a lot of them, but I do have lots of fun tidbits from comics I never finished. I used to enjoy just drawing page after page of comics, seeing where the story would take me and just exploring different scenarios. I followed each little thing along without worrying about the story or what needed to happen. No plots, scripts, or plans. Just characters and art. It was fun, It was cathartic, and it helped me get through some really tough times. I don’t have very many of the comics I drew growing up. I wish I did! I think they may have gotten thrown away at some point. But I have a lot of fond memories of that time.

Kaylok’s Ransom is a story I’ve had in my pocket since high school. It has existed in many versions. Maybe one day I’ll finish it and make it into a full novel, but I think this story might be on that just for me for a long while. I didn’t set out to make this story a fully realized story, it’s full of my feelings, and my flaws. Regardless, I hope you enjoy some of the art. I don’t think I’m going to go into detail about a lot of backstory because it feels more natural to just let you explore.

As unstructured as these versions are, I think that exploring storytelling this way gave me an opportunity to discover what things I liked about writing, style, and storytelling elements. It definitely helped me figure out what I need in order to tell a good story, and what things I can explore more naturally. Hopefully, when I finish my script for me next comic, (a current WIP,) it is as awesome as I hope it can be.

2022 Version

scroll for more 😀

scroll for more 😀

scroll for more 😀

scroll for more 😀

2017 Version

No. I don’t remember what I planned on happening here. And yes, it doesn’t make sense to me either lol. I think I may have lost some pictures from this version. 😀

The end 😀